I was just reading Jorma Kaukonen’s (Jefferson Airplane, Hot Tuna) blog Cracks in the Finish and felt compelled to make a short update here in this space that I use to update regularly and enjoy looking back on from time to time to see where I was and what was inspiring me. Just about 4 weeks ago, I lost my home (partially) to a fire. And my mom was diagnosed with heart failure the day before. And of course, my entire existence as I knew it changed in those instances, and I am in a new temporary house that is very nice, but is not home, for another 9 months while we rebuild, and at the same time keeping my fingers crossed that my parents health will start an upward swing (my dad also was diagnosed with cancer, but the best kind possible). Talk about an existential experience all around. There are moments I am able to laugh, and there are moments that my mind is swirling so fast I just have to take a nap. I’m glad for the season – autumn has always been a time to rest, to put old ideas to bed and incubate new ones, a time to reflect on the previous year, and make plans for what is to come. I’m still in the processing stage, but I’m looking forward to getting past this hump and actively working towards something new and hopefully better than I could have ever imagined.