That’s me.. It’s been awhile since I’ve had a cold, and this one has left me on my rear for a couple days now. I’m inching further and further behind on my to-do list and consuming meals worth of cough drops. Just not in the mood to work. Or think. Or be awake. Woe is me..
Anyway, aside from that, I found myself in the children’s section of my local library the other day and it shot me back to my childhood — the same library I visited in my younger years. I’m of the philosophy that we should never stop being children.. easier said than done, but I often remember how I experienced things as a child and try to recreate that feeling as much as I can. I think it’s about being in the moment and forgetting the minutes before and ignoring the minutes ahead. I say this as I stare at a pile of receipts waiting to be sorted, categorized and filed. Who’s idea was this tax thing again? … I’ll leave you with this video clip from Emmet Otter’s Jugband Christmas by Jim Henson– I’m pretty sure a good portion of my imagination was shaped by him – Fraggle Rock, Kermit The Frog, and on and on. When I watch his work, it’s pure enjoyment at every moment.