Hello Internet world. I’ve been absent from my blog for the last week because I’ve been relocating muhself. I’ve got every room set up except for my workroom which is currently in shambles, and I keep finding ‘better’ things to do so as to avoid it, I suppose. Tomorrow morning is THE morning because I can’t put off the work that I have to get done for commissions and art fairs any longer. Random information: I’m accessing the internet through my cell phone signal right now.. still haven’t gotten the ol’ interweb access hooked up. That comes Friday.
In the meantime, the exhibit I’m in titled “Scratch, Sprinkle, Cut: Conversations in Black and White” opened last friday at the Carnegie Cultural Center in Ottawa, KS. I have 10 black and white paper cuttings and they’re hanging along with the works of artists Lora Jost and Azyz Sharafy. I’ll post more images of my work included as soon as I get some real internet access. Until then…