I’m experimenting with layered tissue paper on top of black paper (rather than behind the cuttings in the black paper). All my ideas lately seem to have black negative space rather than white. It may be because I’m brainstorming in the dark hours of the morning most of the time. I feel most connected and clear-headed at that time.
Heading yonder to the country with my camera and an empty stomach. Looking forward to dinner with family & friends. Going to propose a larger scale art installation plan to my nature guru who also happens to be a carpenter and get her good advice (this stems from thinking about public art). Otherwise, I’m hoping to snag some good inspiration on the camera.
I went out for a run this morning and it felt and looked like autumn (which I love). My mantra while I run is “this is MY dream” (as in, I perceive things the way I want to and move in the direction I want to, as much uninfluenced by the masses as I can be. And it holds a lot of other meaning, but I’ll spare ye). I repeat that a few times to transport myself beyond the physical part of the run and really connect to the environment around me. Maybe that’s that runner’s high people talk about. Or maybe it’s the artist in me (I find that’s always a good excuse). Til next time..