
I’m making some more little birds this morning. This afternoon I’m starting in on one of two commissions that I’ve got in the pipeline, awaiting approval on an illustration job that I worked on yesterday (about eagles, no less!), and checking out a shipment of postcards that just arrived from Bizarr Verlag, my publisher in Germany, with five of my paper cuttings printed on them. They look great – pics to come soon. I’m also starting on a new blog design this weekend – I *think* I finally found a WordPress template that’ll work for me after a long search, so if things start to look wonky, it’s me, not you… And if you don’t see any changes, it’s because I can’t figure out how to make it work! But I’m ready for something fresh and simple that works across platforms – out with the old, in with the new (it’s a state-of-mind thing, really). And here’s a little quote to end this post with:

“In the end, just three things matter:
How well we have lived
How well we have loved
How well we have learned to let go”
-Jack Kornfield