I put my running shoes on and got back out on the river levee this morning. Since it’s been so snowy during most of February and March, and this going on 3 week cold (aka, upper respiratory infection) that is running it’s own course in my head and lungs (I’m not a fan of antibiotics unless absolutely necessary), I’ve fallen off the running wagon. And you won’t catch me in a gym or on a treadmill.. not my style. It was a tough run.. Mind over matter I guess. It was good to be out there. Plus, I’m running 5.7 miles a week from Sunday in a ‘race’ (to and from a brewery..). I should be a little prepared I guess.
I stopped at my midway point to take a little break.. there’s rarely anybody else out there, and I like to stop and look at my surroundings. After pushing yourself, there’s a slight sense of euphoria if you tune in: everything is really bright and clear. I love that. Plus, there were lots of bright red cardinals and even a couple bluebirds hanging around. It was good to see some color after seeing so much snow (and now mud).
I went a little later in the morning than I’m used to and had some company close to the entrance. Something about these folks made me want to take their pic.
Oh, off the topic of running and back to art, here’s a Bob Ross quote I read this morning that I enjoyed:
βIn your world, you can create any illusion that you want. I think that’s what attracted me to painting so much. I could create any kind of world that I wanted. Nothing hurts here, no pain, nobody’s unhappy, it’s a pleasant place. Everything’s nice here.β β Bob Ross, 1988
I agree. Til next time…