You can’t see them in these pics, but there was a family of bald eagles fishing for their breakfast in the river. It’s been so cold that I haven’t had my running shoes on for a bit, so it felt really good to get back out on the levee this morning for some fresh air and sunshine. A bald eagle even flew over my head and down the trail before landing in a tree where it allowed me to watch it munch on something for a minute. I also enjoyed watching a cormorant, blue heron, lots of seagulls, geese and ducks forage and swim in the water. Looking forward to taking my camera over into Missouri on Saturday to see if I can find as many eagles as last year. There were at least 100 of them roosting in the trees at Bean Lake. I managed to get a few close ups:
The ice on the river was backed up at the dam and making this cool pattern, shot from the bridge above.