Castles Made Of Sand.. Errr.. Sea Sponges?

imageI didn’t bring my computer along on this trip so I’m limited to only posting cell phone photos until I can download my regular camera photos when I return home. Yesterday started out with a manatee sighting from the balcony of my room. I’m on the 30th floor and can see really far out over the ocean and saw two slowly moving silhouettes making their way south. I did not expect that. I also didn’t expect the weather to be warm enough to swim, but alas, it was! And the day was spent between the beach and the saltwater pool. So many neat seashells and sea sponges washed up on the shore. I’m not too old to play in the sand and collect shells, right? That’s the best part. Talk about intricate details in nature.

A Room With A View

Hello from Florida! I’m armed with my camera and my sketchbook.. Looking forward to finding some new inspiration here. FYI: my Etsy shop will remain open and all orders will ship out Nov. 29. Thanks to you folks who have already ordered! Til next time..image

Soundscape Experiment

Before I immerse myself into the land of printing and art fair prep this morning, I had to squeeze in some synthesized sounds from Logic Pro — my new sound software that I refuse to ignore — and my 25 key Ion midi keyboard (one of these days I’ll hook up the full sized keyboard to my computer. That should be fun). I think I mentioned before that I was slightly obsessed with making crazy cosmic sounds as a kid on my mom’s synthesizer before blowing out my brother’s amp that it was hooked up to. Ahhh, computers make things so easy now.. although I did manage to crash the software once trying to do multiple effects…

Animation in Progress


I spent a good portion of the day working on my newest animation.. It’s a little abstract. I spent about 7 hours shooting an 11 second segment (goes to show how long it takes to do stop-motion, even with my sped up rough style). I’m shooting 2 frames at a time at a rate of 24 frames per second, which means that for each second of finished animation, there are 24 shots (but I’m doubling them up, so you get 2 duplicate shots right in a row — half the amount of work and good enough for this style).

I’ve never shot away from a light box before, so this portion of the animation is a new technique for me, having to use lighting from the sides and above (instead of below to create silhouettes). I’m no lighting expert and you definitely see the flicker, but all in all, I actually prefer to have the look of the early 1900’s films, so I’m a-ok with it. I suspect I won’t finish it this week since I also have lots of art fair prep to do, and next week you’ll find me on a sunny (hopefully) shore in Florida for a quick break from life, then Thanksgiving, then the Bizarre Bazaar in Lawrence, and then I’ll be back at it.

Shadow Puppet


I couldn’t wait. I’ve already started working on a new short animation. I’ve got it all planned out. Next up is creating the scenery. It’s gonna be pretty basic (like my others), but I’m going to try out some new techniques that I haven’t used before. I’m using this to also get a feel out of the editing software I bought almost a year ago and haven’t utilized yet…

Today was strangely productive in the most domestic of ways. I made candied apples (just like my grandma always used to make with Red Hots candy), chocolate & cocoa covered almonds, and a big pot of soup with kale, some random vegetables, fresh herbs, quinoa and chia seeds. I’ve never made soup like that before. It turned out great.. And of course, I made this puppet. All this creative energy was perhaps fueled by three chai lattes. Moderation in moderation.

Random Things/ Inspirations/ New Toys

seed111613From one of my walks last weekend.

Current obsession: the medley on side B of The Beatles’ Abbey Road.logicscreenNewest nerd-out toy (well, software): Logic Pro X to fulfill my needs to make weird music and soundscapes. My mind is heavily on animation & sound right now. Soooon… Soooooon….Plans for not too distant future include building a praxinoscope prototype and a series of silhouette puppets (…meaning, once I’m finished with shows for the year, all signs point to animation & exhibit endeavors).



I pretty much failed at my first attempt of doing a panoramic styled photo on my iPhone.. but anyway, I spent a good part of the weekend and these last few days cleaning and organizing my house.. and trying to contain my work-stuff which is usually spilling over into almost every other room in the house. The dining room had become my cutting room, the living room often storage for supplies. It was getting a little ridiculous. I think it’s under control for the time being.. and I actually had brunch at my dining room table on Sunday!… with no art supplies in sight! Back to my cutting table (in my actual workroom) to continue on some commissioned work. Til next time..