Kansas Natives: A Series of Kansas Flora

I’m one of four artists for the 2014 Lawrence Arts Center Art Shares program (read more about it here: http://lawrenceartscenter.org/artshares-lawrence/ ). I’m doing a limited series of 23 works of Kansas flora titled “Kansas Natives”. This is #1 of 23 and is my cut paper interpretation of ‘Western Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)’. These works are 5 x 7 inches each and are hand cut out of charcoal drawing paper and vintage Kansas maps (maps gifted to me by John Wysocki).

Sights from the Levee Trail

I’ve tied up my laces and taken to the trails once again on the Kansas River levee. Working on getting up to par for a 5k trail run in central Kansas next month. It’s been awhile since I’ve gone running consistently because of my crazy summer schedule, but it sure feels good to be back out there. I think it keeps me sane (though I’m sure others would disagree). And there’s always neat things to see. Here’s a couple finds from this morning:


Music Festival T-shirt & Poster Design



Project: 2014 Porcupine Mountains Music Festival, presented by Friends of the Porkies. I was asked to create a design around their guitar shaped logo, and this is what I came up with- inspired by wildflowers found in upper Michigan, where the festival took place. The design was used on t-shirts, handbills, program guide, and posters.

Country Drive

My summer schedule has pretty much come to an end and now I’m catching up on all my email and a zillion other things that fell to the wayside while I was on the road. One thing I haven’t done in awhile that I used to do ALL the time is get out on some local rural roads with my camera. I didn’t have much time out there and the corn is so high right now that there’s not a whole lot to see past it, but it was a good time nonetheless. atch070414d





Cecropia Moth Larva – Nature in my yard

cecropialarvaI was sitting on my deck enjoying the cooler temps when I looked over and saw this gargantuan thing crawling (errr, podding?) along on my deck. Its huge – about 5 inches when walking and stretched out. Thanks to my trusty Butterfly & Moth identification guide, I determined that this alien was the larva of the Cecropia Moth.

Star Thought

Star Thought
By Frances Shaw

I SHALL see a star tonight
From a distant mountain height;
From a city you will see
The same star that shines on me.

’Tis not of the firmament
On a solar journey bent;
Fixed it is through time and weather;—
’Tis a thought we hold together.


I’m home after several terrific days in Colorado. Thanks to the kind folks of Boulder for a great weekend at OpenArts Fest. Here’s a few pics from a day spent in Rocky Mountain National Park.



By Carl Sandburg

LET a joy keep you.
Reach out your hands
And take it when it runs by,
As the Apache dancer
Clutches his woman.
I have seen them
Live long and laugh loud,
Sent on singing, singing,
Smashed to the heart
Under the ribs
With a terrible love.
Joy always,
Joy everywhere—
Let joy kill you!
Keep away from the little deaths.