by ruralpearl | Aug 14, 2012 | Inspiration

I headed to my mom’s this afternoon and took a nap on the ground at a local lake while she fished, watched the sunset, and then laid in her backyard under a big clear dark star-filled sky. I saw four really great, bright Perseid meteors before I retreated to the indoors.. no camera setup this year to try my luck at catching one, but what really matters is just being out there and enjoying it. Some paper cutting blog stuff to come soon, I promise. Til next time..
by ruralpearl | Aug 11, 2012 | Inspiration

Me crunching my own head before I took off for an endurance run.. I’m not sure how far I went, but I ran for an hour and a half straight and it was so so good. I ran over the river levy, ran through a hot rod show, passed a baja taco joint selling breakfast burritos and blasting Bob Dylan, was told good morning by countless people.. It’s a release. It’s all a release. Running, maintaing this blog, taking silly pictures of my own shadow.. all a release. Til next time..
by ruralpearl | Aug 10, 2012 | Inspiration

I hit the gravel roads at sunrise coming home from visiting family — always trying to get a picture of the sun coming over the hills, so since I had my little gopro camera on me, I drove with my arm out the window snapping away.. none of them came out real great, but whatever. It was an amazing sunrise anyway (following an amazing sunset yesterday and a clear night of star-gazing).
by ruralpearl | Aug 10, 2012 | Inspiration

Perfect day for scrapping mostly everything and being outside…
“Come forth into the light of things, let Nature be your teacher”. -William Wordsworth
by ruralpearl | Aug 9, 2012 | Inspiration, Photos

I sooo wanted to sleep out here tonight… More photos to come.
by ruralpearl | Aug 8, 2012 | Inspiration

“To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don’t grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float.” -Alan Watts
by ruralpearl | Aug 7, 2012 | Inspiration, News & Events

As long as the weather permits, I think having a cup of mint tea in the morning sun on my deck will be a regular ritual. It’s a good time to make sure I’m as unwound as can be before I hit my workroom and start winding the other way.
August, I’ll admit, is sort of my month to let my brain flatline work-wise after an intense summer of work preparing for and going to shows (although, I have plenty to do.. sorry if you still haven’t gotten my email response! I’m slowly but surely making my way back in my inbox). I’ve been trying to do a lot of reading & thinking & just sitting still.. Gotta stay balanced, stay in the now, keep it fresh for new ideas, keep believing, etc.. Plus keep up with work stuff at the same time. I’ll be restocking all of my retailers in the coming week or so — I’m printing up a whole new batch of cards & prints this week. Also finishing up a few commissions inspired by previous works that I’ve sold. My “Shelter Each Other” design will be coming out soon as part of a series of tote bags in Germany/ Europe through Bizarr Verlag, who also licensed my works for a series of postcards. More info on that when I’ve got it (I’ll have some for sale too). Til next time..
by ruralpearl | Aug 6, 2012 | Inspiration

Hipstamatic iphone pic on Hwy 45, Rushville, MO, 2010.
Caboose Thoughts
by Carl Sandburg
It’s going to come out all right—do you know?
The sun, the birds, the grass—they know.
They get along—and we’ll get along.
Some days will be rainy and you will sit waiting
And the letter you wait for won’t come,
And I will sit watching the sky tear off gray and gray
And the letter I wait for won’t come.
There will be ac-ci-dents.
I know ac-ci-dents are coming.
Smash-ups, signals wrong, washouts, trestles rotten,
Red and yellow ac-ci-dents.
But somehow and somewhere the end of the run
The train gets put together again
And the caboose and the green tail lights
Fade down the right of way like a new white hope.
I never heard a mockingbird in Kentucky
Spilling its heart in the morning.
I never saw the snow on Chimborazo.
It’s a high white Mexican hat, I hear.
I never had supper with Abe Lincoln.
Nor a dish of soup with Jim Hill.
But I’ve been around.
I know some of the boys here who can go a little.
I know girls good for a burst of speed any time.
I heard Williams and Walker
Before Walker died in the bughouse.
I knew a mandolin player
Working in a barber shop in an Indiana town,
And he thought he had a million dollars.
I knew a hotel girl in Des Moines.
She had eyes; I saw her and said to myself
The sun rises and the sun sets in her eyes.
I was her steady and her heart went pit-a-pat.
We took away the money for a prize waltz at a
Brotherhood dance.
She had eyes; she was safe as the bridge over the
Mississippi at Burlington; I married her.
Last summer we took the cushions going west.
Pike’s Peak is a big old stone, believe me.
It’s fastened down; something you can count on.
It’s going to come out all right—do you know?
The sun, the birds, the grass—they know.
They get along—and we’ll get along.
by ruralpearl | Aug 6, 2012 | Inspiration

“Follow your inner moonlight; don’t hide the madness.” -Allen Ginsberg