(Speaking of sun, I’ve got some more sun inspired paper cuttings on the way…)
(Speaking of sun, I’ve got some more sun inspired paper cuttings on the way…)
I spent part of my afternoon chasing bubbles in the sunshine.
Dandelions are out in full force in a midday break from the rain. Hitting the dusty trails again this weekend for some more springy photos.. no rain in the forecast yet but this IS Kansas.. any weather is possible.
Atchison, KS, June 2009.
“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” ~Albert Einstein
These popped up over the weekend. Through some research (trying to figure out what to do next), I found out that you can grow sunflower sprouts for eating. Ya’learn something new every day..
This is what I was doing last year on the first day of spring. This year’s first day of spring was marked with rain, a long drive on a muddy gravel road (hoping the rain will wash the mud off my car), a few mundane tasks, and some art related work stuff. I was, however, greeted upon returning home after a long weekend away with a couple sunflower, thyme, and lavender sprouts in my little window garden. Fingers crossed that they don’t meet their demise under my auspice. I’m really trying to be extra mindful with them — it’s sort of self-training for future larger edible endeavors. I digress..
This year’s bunk winter is swaying my seasonal allegiances. Spring is pretty amazing.
A Ritual to Read to Each Other by William Stafford
If you don’t know the kind of person I am
and I don’t know the kind of person you are
a pattern that others made may prevail in the world
and following the wrong god home we may miss our star.
For there is many a small betrayal in the mind,
a shrug that lets the fragile sequence break
sending with shouts the horrible errors of childhood
storming out to play through the broken dyke.
And as elephants parade holding each elephant’s tail,
but if one wanders the circus won’t find the park,
I call it cruel and maybe the root of all cruelty
to know what occurs but not recognize the fact.
And so I appeal to a voice, to something shadowy,
a remote important region in all who talk:
though we could fool each other, we should consider—
lest the parade of our mutual life get lost in the dark.
For it is important that awake people be awake,
or a breaking line may discourage them back to sleep;
the signals we give—yes or no, or maybe—
should be clear: the darkness around us is deep.
Celebrating 88 years.
March 17, 2012.