Country Driving

I’ve been taking a few days off after several weeks of straight work & travel… Back to the grind tomorrow to prepare for The Uptown Art Fair coming up in Minneapolis, MN. Today, I hit the gravel roads for some re-connection to my favorite things.










Born Again


My friend Laura and I discovered this cicada emerging from it’s shell on my front steps this morning. I, of course, had to grab my camera and get all up in it’s face… rather intriguing.

Off to Wisconsin, I am, for the Art Fair on the Square. Til next time..

ks091812r“Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything – anger, anxiety, or possessions – we cannot be free.” -Thich Nhat Hanh

Camera Fail…

I sat outside yesterday morning enjoying the sunshine and breeze. I caught a squirrel relaxing on a tree branch with one arm dangling as he stared in my direction. Photo op for sure. I ran in and grabbed my camera, and of course I startled him at my noisy exit and re-entrance. But I managed to take a BUNCH more photos of various squirrels and birds and bees and flowers around me that I had anticipated posting here! And as I plugged my camera into my computer to download the 50+ photos I took, I realized when it said “NO PHOTOS” that I took the memory card out a couple weeks ago to put into my GoPro camera for my paddling outing.. So, no photos from my inspirational deck session.. but here’s one from a couple summers ago in Colorado. Lesson learned: put things back where they belong…


Monday’s Sunrise


Looking out at Mooney Creek Church (Mooney Creek, KS) from a gravel road at sunrise. Three lovely days from Sunday on has made it hard to stay inside. I had the best Sunday that started out by making biscuits & gravy from scratch, eaten with friends on a deck in the country.. followed by an afternoon of paddling and artifact finding at Perry Lake. So good, so good. ‘Twas a perfect day. Monday’s sunrise was a perfect start to a new week full of warm temps that are quickly going to, according to the weather report, turn to snow!?… Sounds like I may be wearing my winter coat at Art in the Park on Sunday.. We’ll see. Lots of new paper cuttings in progress. Til next time.




Animals know how to do it right.. Totally zonked out on my deck in the early afternoon sun.

Happy Earth Day / Happy Monday


And happy birthday yesterday to author & naturalist John Muir.

“When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, striped and dotted with continents and islands, flying through space with other stars all singing and shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty.” ? John Muir

I woke up late (after seemingly turning off my alarm clock) this morning to begin an insane week of art show prep. Waking up late always puts a kink in the day when there is much to be done.. But as soon as I stepped outside to lay out some sunflower seeds for the squirrels, I looked across the street and three of them scurried down the trees they were in and ran over to me, obviously knowing what was in store for them. I was also kindly greeted by a neighborhood cat that has never gotten closer than 10 feet to me. He jingled right up to me with his bell on his collar and gave me a little leg nuzzle. Reminders to be in the moment, not rush, what needs to be done will get done, all will be well. Furry critters smooth out the kinks again.

Enjoy the earth today (and every day). We are here because of what it naturally gives us, not what we greedily take from it.

Past Life

Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY, 2007

Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY, 2007

Four years ago today, I moved from Brooklyn to Kansas on the turn of a dime. It’s a day I’ll never forget– I especially remember the omelette I had for breakfast at a Waffle House once I touched down from my redeye flight. Omelettes in the midwest are no match to the omelettes you get in diners on the east coast, most memorably in New Jersey, but so far, the trade off has been more than worth it. Back there, my art was just a hobby to stay sane in a chaotic environment, whereas here, I’ve been able to make a living off of it in a fairly sane environment. I love Brooklyn for all I gained from my experiences there, but I haven’t looked back..