Hooting Hatters – Cut Paper Art

hooting hatters owls

8 x 10 inch paper cutting. A couple owls to tie off my works for the paper cutting exhibit coming up in Topeka. As soon as I finished this and framed it this morning, I was off to deliver all 10 of my works. Now, I shall sit back and breathe for a few, enjoy a gathering in the countryside for dinner with friends and family, and then back to the grind tomorrow to prep for my next two shows: Mulvane in Topeka and Smoky Hill Fest in Salina. Exhibit details coming soon.

Night Flight – Cut Paper Art

night flight

11 x 14 inch paper cutting. I decided to stick with my original title, instead of renaming it (as I mentioned in my previous post about this piece). As I was washing dishes while the glue was settling (washing dishes is always a good time to contemplate important matters), I remembered that kids — the intended audience for this — have sharp minds and imaginations and they’ll draw their own meaning out for themselves.

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Hooting Hatters in progress..


I decided to go ahead and start cutting into this one before I color and finish off my last one (in my previous post).. Hand cramps. Naptime. (Sidenote: I think it’s about time for a new cutting mat…)

New View (working title) in Progress


Slowly getting my mental mojo back, me thinks. I had originally planned to call this one ‘Night Flight’ but as I work on it, I’m finding the idea within it that the bear is getting a whole new perspective — seeing things from a different angle and I’d like the title to convey that but also make it relatable to children (it will be part of my exhibit at the Topeka Public Library). That’s one of my main reasons for wanting to buy a kayak– I want a new perspective on nature, I want to see things that I otherwise couldn’t see, especially for photo-taking, that I don’t get from the roadside. Like the bear. So, finished work and permanent title coming soon.

Twinkling Lights – roughly..


I just finished this one.. Had hoped to finish it before last weekend’s art fair, but alas, it could not be done. Better picture coming tomorrow after I flatten it out with some heavy books and get some daylight to photograph it under.