Poppy papercutting in progress


My neighbor across the street has a front yard full of what I think are oriental poppies. I loved how they looked before they bloomed and they got me thinking about this paper cutting. I’ve been mulling it over for a couple weeks and I finally decided how to approach it. I’ll be adding color to this one and the previous one over tonight and tomorrow. Finished paper cuttings coming soon…

All about progress these days


Some more things in progress… I’m doing lots of drawing this morning before I move into coloring my previous piece. Actually sitting down to draw a design out is the hardest part of the whole process. It’s easiest to put off.. it requires the most thought.. you don’t really know what’s going to come out… it might look terrible (I have a few drawings meant for paper cuttings that will never see the light of day).. Once I get the pencil on the paper, it’s more difficult to stop working because I’m always eager to see how it will turn out.