Villages in Progress

fish village

I’m shifting gears for a little bit and working on a small series of 5 x 7 inch villages.. I’ve also got some larger village themed paper cuttings in the pipeline.

Full Flower Moon

full flower moon

I decided to go with a moon… 11 x 14 inch paper cutting. A “Full Flower Moon” is the name of the full moon in May. Found online: “Quite simply, May brings bright brushes to paint the earth canvas with infinite flowers. In the full moon light of this month, the flowers are said to grow at night, and even dance in honor of the moon.”

See larger version on Facebook

In Progress


I’ve been cutting away at this for the better part of the day (equals cramped hands). I’ve changed it around a lot as I’ve gone (it’s all a balancing act) and I’m still not sure how it’s going to end up, but I know there will be either a sun or moon involved. I just took a break and made a very necessary chocolate run.

Fox in Moonlight


8 x 10 inch paper cutting — to be used as my image for the 2 of hearts for the designer charity deck that will benefit Harvesters, a community food network.