The Smell of Vinyl

1236493_10153659179540397_190196983_nI have an ever growing collection of LPs (some might call it an addiction) and was excited to add this to it (with my artwork on the cover..) over the weekend. Maria The Mexican’s recent release, Moon Colored Jade. Now available on vinyl.



I pretty much failed at my first attempt of doing a panoramic styled photo on my iPhone.. but anyway, I spent a good part of the weekend and these last few days cleaning and organizing my house.. and trying to contain my work-stuff which is usually spilling over into almost every other room in the house. The dining room had become my cutting room, the living room often storage for supplies. It was getting a little ridiculous. I think it’s under control for the time being.. and I actually had brunch at my dining room table on Sunday!… with no art supplies in sight! Back to my cutting table (in my actual workroom) to continue on some commissioned work. Til next time..