IF: Choose

Watercolor and Photoshop

for Illustration Friday
Should the crow stay or should he go… Hmm……

Sidenote, on the topic of “choose”.. I had a hard time choosing a subject for this theme… Having a hard time choosing subjects for any themes lately! I think I have a bad case of Winterhead… Cold days, foggy thoughts…


Pencil and Photoshop.
A little something taken from my sketchbook and prettied up all colorful in Photoshop.
“All the thoughts of a turtle are turtle.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

IF: Tales & Legends

Oil Pastels on Paper. To illustrate the following poem (consider it a tale for the day!):

DANCER by Carl Sandburg

THE LADY in red, she in the chile con carne red,
Brilliant as the shine of a pepper crimson in the summer sun,
She behind a false-face, the much sought-after dancer, the most sought-after dancer of all in this masquerade,
The lady in red sox and red hat, ankles of willow, crimson arrow amidst the Spanish clashes of music,

I sit in a corner
watching her dance first with one man
and then another.

Rough Draft, and then some


I scratched this (not close to being finished) after plopping down a buncha paint on it.. I wasn’t feeling it. But I wanted to put it here, since this was the view from my bedroom window for the first 18 years… I think its better left in photo and memory (its long gone since the new folks moved in).. HOWEVER, a little Photoshop manipulation makes it look kinda groovy:


Tea For One

Acrylic and ink on paper

For Illustration Friday topic “VACANT.” I did this one awhile back, seems to fit this weeks topic.