by ruralpearl | Nov 28, 2021 | Products
New bookmarks available online and in store! Featuring a crop of my paper cut collage “The Moonlight’s Hum”, these 16pt stock bookmarks with waxed cord tassels are durable and ready to mark the pages of your favorite book!
by ruralpearl | Dec 3, 2014 | Design, Products
I used a cutting machine to cut this snowflake out of a sheet of stencil plastic. I originally cut a similar snowflake by hand to use for the Nov/ Dec issue of Midwest Living – you can see in the 2nd photo how they used it as a powdered sugar stencil on a sheet of brownies. I’ve made the stencil available for purchase in my Etsy shop here:

by ruralpearl | Jan 20, 2014 | News & Events, Products

I am super excited to be collaborating with RED DIRT shop. They do good things! My work is now available on their phone cases. From their website: “A portion of every transaction directly supports positive change, whether it’s funding a partner organization solving problems in the field, or giving work and income to someone enjoying the dignity of taking care of their family.” – Go check’em out!
by ruralpearl | Oct 23, 2013 | New Work!, Products

Available now in my Etsy shop or in person at Essential Goods in Lawrence, KS.
by ruralpearl | Oct 14, 2013 | New Work!, Products

These are lots of fun to make and I’m wearing some as I type. Available soon online and at my upcoming shows. I’ve got several different mandala designs available.
by ruralpearl | Jun 25, 2013 | News & Events, Products

Check out what’s going on at Imagine Goods. They “partner with vulnerable and marginalized people around the world to make products that, in many cases, give them the first fair wages they’ve ever received.” ( I’ve got a couple of designs, and more to come, screen printed on bags made from hand woven fabric from a cooperative in Cambodia. Good people doing good things.
by ruralpearl | Jan 5, 2013 | Products

Many thanks to Caitlin for sending me these images of a pillow she made out of one of my “Shelter Each Other” tote bags. I thought it was a great idea! And the addition of color is a nice touch. (I’ll be making my own soon to go with my pillow collection).
by ruralpearl | Nov 14, 2012 | Products

I’ve been running my printers at full-speed all day yesterday and today. All prints are printed, all cards are printed, all winter-only cards are printed.. I’ll be offering these at my next three art fairs (or until I run out), as I have for the last couple years, sets of 4 winter cards for $10. They come on a bright white card stock with a frayed edge, which is different card stock than what I normally use. Pardon the horrendous picture in bad light — these are the 6 designs I’ll have in those sets at random, and no set will have two of the same card.
In other news, I sent out a couple previously mentioned licensing contracts today — looking forward to seeing the products come to fruition. I also managed to eat an entire box of Whoppers and now a hot cup of mint tea is coming to my rescue.. I’m not really sure what causes me to buy them (since I lose all control and consume them as fast as I can and never feel good afterwards), but I’m sure it falls along the lines of demonic possession.
Another late night and early morning ahead. Mike Auldridge Dobro on the record player as I mat and bag and mat and bag.. So, so good. Til next time.
by ruralpearl | Apr 18, 2012 | Products

About to press some owl buttons for a new series of owl magnets… They’ll make their debut next weekend at the Zeleny Art Fair in Parkville, MO.
by ruralpearl | Dec 1, 2011 | New Work!, Products

These will be available on Etsy early next week along with my ornaments. They’ll also be available this Saturday at the Holiday Art Fair put on by the Lawrence Art Guild at Lawrence Arts Center in Lawrence, KS. (How many times can I write “Lawrence” in one sentence..)