
I spent a small portion of the day walking around the rocky shore of a very low Lake Perry (NE Kansas) near the mouth of Slough Creek looking for neat rocks and fossils and artifacts that in non-drought times would normally be covered with water.. It was frigid with no sun in sight, and my hands and feet were frozen despite many layers, so this little adventure got cut short. This was the only photo I took from the car since it was too cold to handle the camera outside. It was a good time nonetheless. I followed lots of tracks in the frozen mud – including deer, raccoons, geese, and either a dog or coyote. There were also several bald eagles flying nearby, lots of puffed up juncos making their way around low limbs, and a couple deer running along the road as I was driving away. It was great to be outdoors breathing fresh air for a short while. It’s even greater to be typing this from my well-heated home.