
The Wakarusa River, Nov. 10, 2013.

A great weekend was had. I’ve realized that I’ve allowed stress to overtake me more often than not this year. It has been my busiest year yet as far as my art career goes, with lots more traveling, more wholesale accounts, and more work overall. This is a great thing of course, but I suppose I have to figure out how to better harness it and balance it with home life which includes maintaining a home and home workspace, as well as being a present (single) parent. Nothing is easy – not matter what shape or size and we all carry our own loads, and I often repeat to myself, sometimes to no avail, “JUST DO IT”. It often seems like there’s little time for other things, but weekends like these make me realize I can combine them all (well, maybe not the work-work, but inspiration for new work is certainly to be found). Friends, family, cooking, hiking, nature, music, cleaning and organizing and simplifying. It was all there. Something as simple as swinging on a log tied with rope to a tree on a warm autumn day makes you forget all the worries and fears and pasts and futures. (It doesn’t help that I’ve been reading C.S. Lewis’s Space Trilogy which deals with the struggles of these very things). And I’m refreshed and smiling on a Monday morning. More pictures to come from my nature walks. Happy start to your week.