
This is the first day I’ve relaxed in weeks.. Last weekend was the Cherry Creek Arts Festival in Denver, Colorado, and my 4th art festival in the last 5 weeks, with 2 more coming up over the next two weekends. Cherry Creek is one of the largest art fairs in the country with approximately 350,000 spectators. Needless to say, it was amazing and exhausting. I’ll post more about that later when my brain is functioning better. I also have so much new work to post, plus some cool news (like my spot on the Denver news), etc.

Today, I cruised around Rocky Mountain National Park and shot lots of photos. The one above was taken at the Alluvial Fan (read about it here: http://www.rmnp.com/RMNP-Areas-HorseshoePark-AlluvialFan.html). Thursday I’ll head down to Colorado City for the Greenhorn Valley Art & Music Fest, and then the following weekend I’ll be in Boulder, CO, for the Open Arts Fest. More blog updates to come…