

I’ll admit– the only thing that I feel halfway competent sewing are pillow covers.. Here’s three that I’ve done lately. The owl pillow I’ve shown you before, and will SOON be listed in my Etsy shop.. I’ve got to get some good photos taken of it for the listing and blah blah blah. It will be there soon… The other two pillows I’m rather proud of because the materials cost pennies. The “Blue Bird” is a flour sack produced in Hutchinson, Kansas. I got it for $1, sewed up the ends and stuffed it. The other pillow with the circular design came to be after a trip to Wal-Mart and my local thrift store. The front is actually a bandana that I found in the purse/ accessories section of Wal-Mart (for $1!) and the backing material is a magenta corduroy which I found several yards of at my favorite thrift store. The entire sheet of that material cost maybe 50 cents. So, on a day I should have been working on paper cuttings, I spent antique store prowling and pillow making. My excuse is this: I played around with a volleyball the other evening and my hands are killing me.. Giving the ol’ fingers a rest. This is the first time they’ve felt arthritic. I’m hoping it’s only temporary.

Here’s the rest of what’s going on in my world: I’m making a pretty big move into a house in August with lots more live/ work space, so there’s constant preparations for that. I’ve got 6 shows between June and July — 2 in Kansas, 1 in Iowa, and 3 in Colorado. Constant prep for those.. I’ve got about 6 commissions in the pipeline, and I’m also working on a cool project for a Kansas City based fashion magazine. More details on that to come. I’ve also got another cool announcement regarding a t-shirt dealy. I’ll fill you in soon. Thanks for reading this rant! New things to come!