I’m not usually one to jump on any bandwagons or talk politics, let alone follow politics. It’s all so flawed and frustrating when you think about it.. So I’ll admit to not knowing much of what’s going on in the political world around me, but it’s been hard not to notice the equality symbol floating around lately on the interwebs in support of equal rights for same-sex relationships.
So here’s my lone little opinion since I’m big on love in all forms — love for your neighbor, family, earth, animals, etc… I don’t actually think the government should play any role in marriage. When you bring all these legal conditions and provisions in, it takes away from what it’s supposed to be, which is a commitment based on love. If you’re lucky enough to find that person you love and connect with and that person loves you back the same, then celebrate it, because there’s not enough of that in life.. and life is pretty short when you get down to it. But since we’re subjected to the benefits and penalties that the government has infected relationships with, there shouldn’t be any discrimination between who gets them. People have always been straight and people have always been gay, and shutting out one group promotes hate and fear. Love equals love equals love equals love…