If you happen to see the original paper cutting of this fox floating around anywhere (you never know..), please contact Officer Hadley at the Baldwin City Police Department at 785-594-3850. It was removed from my tent over the weekend without my knowledge and a couple that really wanted it came back to get it after thinking it over and it was already gone. I’d love for them to get to have it instead..
It’s a little funny because I never expected anyone to steal my artwork. I’m always keeping my eye on my money and phone.. It’s a little sad, too, because it’s likely that if the person that took it really appreciated it, they also would have been willing to pay for it. And this is how I make a living, so it’s like throwing away a paycheck. I’ll be ok, however. I’m hoping the person who took it will realize that they made a mistake and try to make it up for the betterment of themselves. You can’t live a dishonest life and fulfilled life at the same time, and I think we all have the potential to live enriched, fulfilled lives, no matter what our circumstances..