
I couldn’t wait. I’ve already started working on a new short animation. I’ve got it all planned out. Next up is creating the scenery. It’s gonna be pretty basic (like my others), but I’m going to try out some new techniques that I haven’t used before. I’m using this to also get a feel out of the editing software I bought almost a year ago and haven’t utilized yet…

Today was strangely productive in the most domestic of ways. I made candied apples (just like my grandma always used to make with Red Hots candy), chocolate & cocoa covered almonds, and a big pot of soup with kale, some random vegetables, fresh herbs, quinoa and chia seeds. I’ve never made soup like that before. It turned out great.. And of course, I made this puppet. All this creative energy was perhaps fueled by three chai lattes. Moderation in moderation.