Upon returning from a ‘get-outta-the-house’ mind clearing walk, I found this squirrel hanging out by my deck looking for something to eat.. So I tossed him a handful of sunflower seeds, and he let me come as close as I wanted.. And we hung out for about half an hour.. Strangely I had just read the following Bob Ross quote before I took a walk (I enjoy reading quotes often..):
“People look at me like I’m a little strange, when I go around talking to squirrels and rabbits and stuff. That’s ok. Thaaaat’s just ok.”
The same squirrel is, as I type, sitting right outside my screen door next to where I am, and there’s a red-shafted flicker and a female downy woodpecker about 1/3 it’s size competing for space on my bird feeder while a male cardinal spies them from a neighboring tree. And I’m totally enjoying it all. (It’s the simple things..)