It’s been a busy few weeks trying to get myself together for these upcoming shows…

620860911Come out this Friday, April 29, for Atchison’s first ever Art Walk. I’ll be stationed at The River House at 101 Commercial, Atchison, KS, from 5:30 to 8:30pm. Lots of shops throughout Atchison will be hosting an artist and there will be live music all along the way. The weather is forecasted to be nice, so, fingers crossed. For more information, including participating businesses, check this link:

203609_193087550708156_1250055_nThen, this Sunday, May 1, is Art in the Park in Lawrence, KS. This was my best show last year, and I’m hoping again for great weather and a great crowd. This year also marks the 50th Anniversary of Art in the Park, and I’m happy to be a part of that. There will be 150 artists spread throughout South Park at 12th and Massachusetts Streets. The hours run from 11am to 5pm. Check out the event info on Facebook: Hope to see you out there!