

I just caught a glimpse of the northern flicker that seems to have made my deck a regular hangout spot.. I had to shoot through the window because had I opened the door, it surely would’ve flown. It’s such a good looking bird — I’m not sure that I’ve ever actually seen one before this one’s first appearance the other day — at least, I’ve never acknowledged one. I know when the woodpeckers are visiting because they squeak when they’re on the feeder. The downey woodpecker has a higher pitched squeak, and the flicker (also a type of woodpecker) has a lower, louder squeak. They’re alternating turns on the feeder as I type. My squirrel friend is also back.. I know it’s the same one as my previous post because when he runs across the deck, he pauses and puts his right paw on his chest, almost like he’s feeling his own heartbeat. He did it the other day, and again today. I tossed him some more seeds to let him know I come in peace. Maybe I’m the squirrel whisperer? …

I had breakfast and coffee on my deck this morning — feels like spring again.. makes me itchy to build (buy?) a cabin in a remote, nature-y area.. it’s my one material goal. Catching up on more emails, getting wholesale orders ready, working on some small commissions for tattoos (yikes!) and trying to figure out some wintery images for a holiday greeting card for Artists To Watch, the company that I’ve published a couple greeting cards with previously.. lots to do, lots on my mind.. til next time.

EDIT: I originally called this bird a red-shafted flicker, but I’m not sure if I had that correct. So, I’ll use ‘northern’ flicker instead– I think that covers it, anyway.