In need of a shelf to house my tv as well as some books and records, I decided to put my (lack of) skills to the test and build my own. After a little internet research, I decided to use 2 x 12 x 6 planks and plumbing parts which included what is called “galvanized steel nipples” and flanges. I needed no other tools to put it together than a hand sander and an electric drill/ screwdriver. Each shelf is supported by 3 pipes (aka, “nipples” — I can’t believe I’m typing that but I think its funny) screwed into flanges on the top and bottom. Though the wood was new, I wanted it to look aged, so I sanded down the edges to look worn, and did a little beating on it with a hammer and various other metal objects. Then, after reading about this method, I soaked a steel wool pad in some vinegar for about 2 hours, and used the vinegar as a stain for the wood. After about 24 hours it had realized its final lovely tone: a light gray with slight hints of the original color here and there and darker gray wood grain. The vinegar and steel wool seem to have some kind of reaction together, and then that mixture creates a reaction with the tannins in the wood. It turned out exactly as I had hoped. If parts were cheaper, I’d probably make lots of these for no good reason.. but the flanges (and I needed 12 of them) were almost $9 each. Cheaper than buying a comparable shelf or tv stand though, and I get the satisfaction of having built my very first piece of furniture. Oh, and the tv is new for me. I haven’t had one in years and swore I never would. Never say never. It is nice to kick back and watch something here and there. No cable hooked up to it, but I do have a Roku device which lets me stream SPACEBALLS! And PBS Nature! And lots of other things… It’s mystifying. Til next time…