In the spirit of randomness and learning something new, I’m teaching myself how to juggle. It’s also a great practice of being totally in the now, plus I assume it’ll build up better hand-eye-brain coordination. And for now, it’s a great workout since I have to chase after the balls constantly. Today was my third go at it, and I turned on this record to practice to, realizing that the beat to this song not only was perfect for the rhythm of throwing and catching, but it also puts me in a good, loose mood, which is necessary for juggling. I went from only being able to manage 4 beats (what I’d describe as throw, throw, throw, catch) before flinging the balls across the room, to 8 beats (before they go flying in every direction) in the matter of the song really. My current skills are laughable, but I’m confident. My utter nerdiness unfolds.